Monday, June 16, 2008

Fighting Fire With Gasoline

Watch out, Cynics
Look hard and watch your world fall apart
I'm doing something right before your eyes
That you won't believe even though it's staring you in the face.
(Acts 13 40-41)

There is alot in those 4 little lines. At least for me. Here is what I got. I didn't get why it said look hard and watch your world fall apart, It just didn't make sense to me. So I focused on it for a while and here is what I got. I don't think God really meant that exactly. What I think that God was trying to say was that It's easy to find everything wrong with the world. It's really not just turn on your local news and you will see what I mean. People are obssesed with everything that's wrong in the world. That's why there are so many storys on high gas prices and the war in Iraq. Granted those things should be talked about, but in my opinion not as much as they are. Cause that's not what we should focus on. We need to look past the bad no matter how hard we have to look in order to see the good. God is doing good things around us that we won't believe unless we look hard enough to see what's really going on. But not enough people realize that so they get sucked into the bad. In doing that it leads to another series of issues that drag people down which leads to more of the same issues we are currently facing in the world.

What I'm wondering is what would the world look like if we stopped focusing on the bad and turned our attention to the good. What do you think that would look like and what kind of a place could the world turn into?

But after all this is just a note to myslef.


Judy Gregory said...

Welcome back to the blog world Zach. Love your thoughts. Judy

Azaria SilverRaven said...

haha!i told you i would read it!!haha!!!

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you. that is some deep stuff. you're a really good writer.
